Saturday, July 2, 2011

Voting Day

Today is Voting Day here in Thailand. This is a very important event. Thailand has been in a state of unease for quite a few years. Several years ago, there was a military coup that overthrew the government and ousted the Prime Minister of that time. Since then, there has been a very tenuous peace.

Our time in Bangkok allowed us to witness several Red Shirt rallies. Thankfully, they were nothing like the riots that climaxed with the burning of a mall and death and injuries to many people just last year.

Please pray for this country. Pray that the elections would go smoothly. Pray that whichever party wins would make wise decisions in how this country should be governed. Pray that whichever party loses will   not seek to make disturbances or fight the outcome of the election.

Please continue to pray for us as well. Here in Chiang Mai, we feel a little removed from the political turmoil which has mostly been seen in Central and parts of Eastern Thailand. However, after this election that could change, and we ask that you would pray for our safety. Also, please pray for our continued language learning, that we would increase in our vocabulary and speaking ability every day. We are so anxious to be ready to serve the Northern Khmer, and we can't wait until our language ability matches our eagerness.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support.

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