Sunday, October 2, 2011

Evacuation and Cleanup

On Wednesday of last week, we knew there was flooding, but we didn't think that it would affect us too much. By Thursday morning, the floodwaters were seeping up into our yard. By that evening, the water reached to our bottom steps at our front and back door. Through the night, I monitored the level of the water. 

What I didn't realize until the next morning was that the water had covered our septic tank, and the lid of the tank had popped off and was floating. In the morning, there was quite the stink. I went out in plastic bag boots and managed to put the lid back on and weight it down. Unfortunately, with that happening, our toilets no longer flushed, so we made the decision to leave for a couple days and come back when the water had receded and we could clean up and use all of our own facilities again.

We are thankful for friends that we have here in Chiang Mai who so graciously opened their home to us! They are a real blessing. We know that the Lord takes care of His children and we are so thankful for His watch-care.

Going to see if we would be able to drive our truck out.

We couldn't get our truck out, so we had to pack light and walk.

Many people were out, some just observing the floodwaters, others
walking to where they could get transportation.

This truck stopped and gave us a ride on the back

One of the guys on the truck

Upon returning two days later, we set about rinsing down our driveway
and the yard and cement around the house.

I started scrubbing down the walls. 

Our whole yard and house stink because of the floodwaters, the algae and fungus that is growing now, and the yucky matter that was introduced into the floodwaters and settled back into the ground around our house. We hope it will rain and rinse it all away without causing another flood. We are thankful for your prayers and know that God protected us, and our house, from the flood.


  1. Yikes Kelly! I feel your pain. Keep smiling though.

  2. No, our truck is fine! Praise the Lord!

  3. Wow! So glad to here the truck's alright. Thinking of you all. I miss Thailand a TON.
