Friday, October 21, 2011

An Evening with Our Neighbors

This evening, as we do often, we went out and Hope rode bicycles and played with a couple of younger girls who live around the corner from us. The third picture shows a wall behind the motorcycle in the far back. That is the house of this family behind that wall. Where the grandpa is standing is our driveway. So, this family does not live far from us at all. Hope and the older girl, Idea, like to trade bicycles. The bicycle that Hope is riding in all these pictures belongs to Idea, and vice versa.

Hope loves having this family come out and play in the evening. I love it as well. The mother of Idea, and her sister Image, is very sweet. We have talked some, and I keep praying that we'll be able to have more meaningful conversations. 

The grandfather is also very kind and watchful of all the kids as they are driving around.

Idea is younger than Hope, but here in Thailand the children start preschool at three years old. Some even younger. Idea's younger sister is already in preschool and she just turned two.

Our next door neighbor, Suchee, came out and played ball with the girls right before it was time to head inside for dinner.

This is my friend, Dik, with her younger daughter Image. Please pray that our friendship will deepen and we can speak of more than just our children.

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